I’m at the mercy of weather and squirrels

I was going to dig up my potatoes last weekend, but time management and temperatures in the 90’s dissuaded me. Technically the potatoes are not go be harvested until the first frost kills the plants, but heat had already toasted them. My delay was apparently noted as I discovered a freshly excavated potato in the top of one of the pots midweek.

Thanks, squirrelfriend.

Tonight the weather chilled out enough -high 70s- to set up for farming.

Between my rubber gardening gloves and my tarp, I feel a little like I’ve set a Dexter– esque kill spot.

I plant the seed potatoes then fill the top of each pot with flowers. That means all the dirt needs to go back in, because I replace any surviving flowers and add a mum for fall. The purple potatoes were happening midway down the pot. However several of the red potatoes were just under the surface layer of dirt and stretched on down.

All told it was a mighty harvest for my two pots. Ideally I’d love to add some sweet potatoes or blue/purple potatoes that are purple all the way through next year.

Now breakfast for dinner or future potato soup?

Christmas Cardinal

Merry Christmas!

This motherfucker bit the shit out of my thumbs after slamming into the window.

He’s fine.

We heard the sharp thump. MomBert spotted him first and was on the verge of crying. Fortunately, he was twitching , but getting tangled in vines when I got to him. my goal was to get him out of the snow. Since I was not wearing pants, I felt this goal was very altruistic.

Ultimately, he angrily flew off into a bush and then hopped around, demonstrating his good health.

All is well.

Spa and Salad Service

The Buns have gotten so big that I can no longer tell them apart. They also do not hang out together as much at least in obvious ways. However they have maintained their taste in garden delicacies like dill straight from the stalk.

I did end up seeing them both this week. I could see one Bun rolling around at the far end of the garden out of camera range. I’m assuming it was dust bath time. When I refocused closer to my location, I saw Bun2 stretched in the sunflowers. I have never seen a rabbit this relaxed.

The Holy Bun

“In the name of the dill stalks, and the sweet clover, and the Holy Bun.”

I’ve contracted with two small bunnies to bless, and exorcise if needed, my potted plants.

In a very Disney movie fashion, I’m assuming that the buns (Bun Bun and Lil Blaze Bun who still has their milk spot) are the product of these two mature buns who are clearly deeply in love.

May 14

Hopefully tragedy will not befall one of them which seems to be the Disney cartoon parent formula. I’m also assuming that one of them is my camera seeking bun from last summer. Evidence as to lineage comes from early June when I caught an adult crossing the patio quickly followed by the tiniest of buns.

June 2

At first it was hard to determine if there were two buns or just one very quick bun, but I soon saw them both hanging out together.

June 19

While there have been a few gnawed sunflowers and dill stalks consumed like spaghetti, the joy at seeing them is a sufficient trade off. A patch of clover in by the vegetable garden seems to be a favorite spot for both to meet up, discuss their contractual obligations, and network.

June 26

The potted plants are doing great.

June 7 Lil Blaze Bun

Started Something

I might be in trouble.

I made the conscious decision to feed the blue jays in my yard unshelled, unsalted peanuts. They now have expectations.

It took two days of leaving a few peanuts on the tiny picnic table to establish a pattern with them. As part of the Corvid family, they are smarty pants. Feathered pants.

Ok. Real talk. I don’t know if it’s a whole party of jays or just one jay who is playing me. Fine. I think it’s one jay and now I’m his bitch.

Day 2 I watched him kick a squirrel’s ass because that squirrel dared to check out the picnic table in the morning. Peanut leavings are now in the evenings only. I see him check in throughout the day (he’s definitely watching me), but I’m not set up to support an all day peanut habit.

But I’m a sucker for the cock of his crested head as his beady black eyes survey my meager offering from the safety of the neighbor’s tree. A branch to branch to fence hop, and he’s a blue missile striking. Which peanut first? In a flurry of stained glass feathers- I love jay’s segmented feathers- he’s off with his prize.