Kinda cute, kinda sad

MomBert and I hit the flea market EXTRAVAGANZA this weekend. It never fails to deliver a big ol’ bunch of weird. Like a “jar” of baby ducks haphazardly tossed in for display or disembodied jazz hands.

That is a deal on ducklings.

We cruised the flea market looking for nonsense for what felt like forever, but was only about three hours. It was a little warmer than anticipated. We called it. Conveniently the next exit on the way home is our favorite giant antique mall. Hello, air conditioning, indoor toilets, and a snack bar.

It was here that I ran into the second container full of ducklings and, of course, squealed loudly.

Guy Restocking Booth: “Oh, are you enjoying my wares?

Me: “OMIGOD THIS IS THE SECOND CONTAINER FULL OF BABY DUCKS TODAY!” Starts scrolling camera roll to show the stranger who didn’t ask.

Guy Restocking Booth says something I didn’t hear about yet another booth where there must be another container of ducks.

Me: “No, we were at the EXTRAVAGANZA.” Shows photo. I now have at least one duckling in hand.

Guy Restocking Booth: “Hey! That’s my dad’s tent. I put those in there.” He has an aesthetic.

MomBert: “Are they real?”

Guy Restocking Booth: “They were. My dad knows a guy. That’s all I know.”

Grimaces all around as we all imagine the mass extermination of ducklings. While I’m fascinated by taxidermy and drawn to the weirdness of it, I always have mixed feelings about why it needed to happen. There are definitely some ethical issues here especially when it’s not a hunting situation, not that that really helps.

Ethics thrown to the wayside, I went with my impulses and scooped up two ducklings. The black one was hanging out in a carving of the Last Supper. That might have helped draw my eye.

As always I introduced the new additions to the cats. They said they smell weird. For now, they have their own “swan boat.”

4 thoughts on “Kinda cute, kinda sad

  1. Do yours walk out on their own? Our mother duck would tap on the windows (all around the courtyard) and we’d open the door and she’d lead then out through the office area. Sometimes we had to guide them as bit. I wish I could post a picture.

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